Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Restore Default Settings?"

Most of us, I think, like to believe that we will default to doing what's morally and ethically correct, when the situation requires it. Why don't we all default to it? Moral and ethical failures are painfully baffling.

It's painful, today, to read about what's happening to Penn State, to learn how the moral and ethical failures of a few resulted in the continued abuse and assault of children by a monster.

It's painful, today, to read about Michigan lawmakers who are actually trying to argue that it's okay to bully, if you're doing so out of "deep moral conviction" or "religious belief." Yes, that's right. Morally and ethically wrong behavior is okay if it's based on morals or religion. It's hard even to type that sentence, it's so incongruous.

To make this pain subside (a bit), I'd like to share our children's default behaviors, given a variety of relatively difficult situations.

Embracing Their Ignorance or Inability, Because They Know It's Temporary
Our six-year-old is reading, but sometimes has difficulty with longer words and certain letter combinations. She says, when she stumbles, "I get confused by those. Those are tricky. How do they work?" Our four-year-old is learning to write. He loves "O" because "that's easy." The letter "B" "is hard for me. I can't do that by myself... can you make it dotted?" (so that he can trace it and practice).

Being Very Proud of Their Secrets, So Proud They Share Them
After they're tucked in at night, my husband and I watch a little television or chat. Sometimes we hear their bedroom door open, but we ignore it. One morning, our daughter informed us that "sometimes we go into the bathroom and get a drink from the faucet!" And that she knows that we "talk about things and work and watch shows that have bad guys," because she can "creep very quietly in the dark and you don't even know I'm there!"

Knowing the Best Rules, and Being Happy to Follow Them
When I pick him up from pre-school, our son, without fail, tells me, "I had a great day, Mommy! I listened! I got a sticker, because I did a good job. One boy, he didn't listen. He was sad." We go to get our daughter from first-grade, and quite regularly, she shares a story that goes something like this. "A boy wasn't being nice to my friend, and she was crying, and so I stood up and asked him, 'How would you feel if she did that to you? You wouldn't like it. You should stop.' Our teacher says you should always think about how YOU would feel."

Forgiving a Person Who Hasn't Been Nice, if He Shows He Can Be Nice
There's one child in our daughter's class who has not always been nice to her, or to many in her class. She tells us, "he makes mean faces at me sometimes," or "pushes me to the ground." We tell her to stand up for herself, to ask her teacher for help, and she has. Last week she asked me to give her an extra baggie full of goldfish crackers so that she could give them to her friend. I did, but her friend ended up not being hungry for them. She ended up giving them to the boy who is not always nice to her. I asked her why. She said, "he was smiling at me and said 'please.'"

I don't ever want their defaults to change. I want them always to know what they don't know, and then learn it. I want them always to share what they find out with people they trust. I want them always to stand up for what's right by tapping their empathy. I want them always to forgive people, but hold them accountable.

If anybody has any ideas on how to make these defaults permanent, I'd love to hear them. If we could restore these default settings in some adults... it's hard to imagine how much the world would improve.


edbeckert said...

Think of your default as always "doing the next right thing." It breaks behavior down into simple actions in the present moment. Over time, it becomes reflexive, intuitive.

LZ said...

Our daughter has a similar situation where she has been treated poorly by a little girl for years. Somehow my daughter finds it in her heart to always say hi to her even though she snubs my child and is rude to her on a regular basis. When we ask her why she bothers, my daughter insists this little girl still has a good side and needs extra kindness because she has no friends.

Our pure hearted children remind me every day to forgive those who may not deserve it and be kind no matter what they say.